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The Enigmatic Dr. Ning Li and the Quest for Anti-Gravity

Updated: 4 hours ago

The mystery of Dr. Ning Li, a Chinese-American physicist, remains even today. Its a story that captivated the scientific world in the 1990s and continues decades later with her groundbreaking research on anti-gravity. After immigrating to the United States in 1983, she joined the University of Alabama Huntsville's (UAH) Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, where she delved into the seemingly impossible: controlling gravity.   

Li's work centered around the concept of manipulating gravitational forces using rotating superconductors.  She theorized that a high-speed rotating superconductor could create a powerful magnetic field capable of interacting with the Earth's gravitational field, potentially leading to a reduction or even negation of gravitational effects.   

Between 1991 and 1993, Li published a series of papers outlining her hypothesis and preliminary experimental results. These publications generated immense excitement and controversy within the scientific community. Some physicists were intrigued by her novel approach, while others remained skeptical, citing the lack of concrete evidence and the inherent challenges in manipulating a fundamental force like gravity.   

In the late 1990s, Li claimed to have constructed a working prototype of an anti-gravity device, further fueling public interest and media speculation. However, concrete proof of her invention remained elusive. In 1999, Li left UAH to found AC Gravity LLC, a private company aimed at continuing her research with the support of a Department of Defense grant.

In 1999, Li left UAH to start her own company, AC Gravity, and commercialize a device based on her theories. Her colleagues obviously believed in her work as the chair of UAH’s Physics Department, Larry Smalley, also departed the university to join her. Public records show that in 2001, the U.S. Department of Defense gave AC Gravity a grant for $448,970 to research the technology. However, these results were never published.

In fact, Dr. Li never published anything again. And even though the business license for AC Gravity was updated yearly through 2018, there is no record of any further work done by the company.

Li’s career after 2002 is the subject of great mystery. I was able to uncover research showing a document that she presented at the 2003 MITRE conference titled “Measurability of AC Gravity Fields.” The MITRE Corporation manages federally funded research for several U.S. agencies. At the conference, she presented along with a Redstone Arsenal official from U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, meaning that her research was still being conducted up to that point.

But despite the initial funding, AC Gravity's progress remains shrouded in secrecy even today. No public reports or peer-reviewed publications emerged from the company, and Li herself disappeared from the public eye. This absence sparked numerous conspiracy theories, ranging from government suppression of her technology to her return to China to continue her work in secret. But we learn in fact now through her son that Dr. Li never returned to China.    

Watch Video Dive Into More Information About Dr. Li's Story ...

Recently, some light has been shed on Li's disappearance. Her son, Dr. George Men, revealed that Li continued her anti-gravity research for the Department of Defense under a TOP SECRET security clearance working on High-Frequency Gravitational Wave (HFGW) devices, explaining the lack of public information.  He also stated that his mother suffered a debilitating injury after being hit by a vehicle while crossing the road in 2014, which forced her to cease her research activities. For Li, this accident caused permanent brain damage that resulted in Alzheimer’s disease shortly after until her death in 2021. While Li’s husband, suffered a heart attack at the moment he saw his wife of 46 years being thrown from the impact. He would pass away a year later in 2015 after the vehicle accident.   

Today, strong evidence supports the technology of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGW) is still being fully developed within the last 25 years. And many believe the prototype devices and vehicles which may fly at high altitudes into space or even underwater deep in the ocean, often involve the use of high-temperature superconductors (HTSCs) and related advanced systems.   

Specifically, cuprate HTSCs with orthorhombic crystal structure are considered promising candidates. These materials exhibit unique quantum properties, including s-wave and d-wave Cooper-pair condensates, which are believed to be crucial for generating and interacting with HFGWs. These extraordinary technological advancements have taken place outside the public eye, but gradually its existence has come to light, and it sparks the question if we are capable of such innovation, then surely with enough resources we can make clean energy vehicles succeed.   

Watch Video High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGW) & Gravitational Metamaterials

It's important to note that the research on HFGW devices is still in the developmental stages, and there is no definitive consensus on the optimal materials or designs. However, the use of high-temperature superconductors, particularly cuprate-based ones, appears to be a promising avenue for further exploration in this field. 

Note the choice of cuprate HTSCs is based on several factors:

  • High critical temperature: They can operate at relatively high temperatures, making them more practical for potential applications.

  • Strong electron-phonon coupling: This is essential for efficient energy transfer between electromagnetic fields and gravitational waves.

  • Anisotropic properties: Their orthorhombic crystal structure provides directionality, which can be exploited for controlling the generation and detection of HFGWs.


Dr. Ning Li's work remains for now largely inaccessible to the public, her bold exploration of anti-gravity continues to inspire curiosity and debate. Whether her theories will or have already been proven and developed into exotic aerospace technology, her legacy as a pioneering scientist who dared to challenge the boundaries of physics remains intact. But many often wonder, just what are the UAPs or unidentified flying objects, UFOs people keep seeing and if Dr. Li has a hand somehow in this mystery. Or perhaps we've never been alone in the universe, and they've been with us for millennia shrouded in some cosmic spectrum and we are just catching up, scratching the surface of what's truly possible, a world beyond our basic human senses. The possibilities are now supported by compelling evidence based in science, math and modern physics, and therefore makes it a worthwhile endeavor to pursue for the betterment of mankind.

About Author

James E Dean - Director, Art Book Video Shop ... James loves to read, learn about old collectibles and study new ideas that may produce optimal results. Mr. Dean brings over 35 years of business experience across a wide range of industries worldwide. He is considered by many to be a leading expert in the energy sector, retail eCommerce, brand marketing and AI technology.  J Dean is also a frequent Blogger, and graduate of Boston University. He enjoys collecting antiques, history, travel and fitness. Inquiry: Inquiries Submit Message ... Thank You


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